Sunday, 19 June 2011

Dropping facebook?

I have just read the Focus section of the Sunday Times entitled 'Dropping Facebook'. It echoed many of my own thoughts and concerns and whilst I think its a fantastic 'Notice' board for organizations and events I believe its not the best way for me to keep in contact; so I have Dropped Facebook! Will this have a detrimental effect on my business and social life? I doubt it. It may in fact have quite the opposite effect in that communication will once more become active rather than passive.

I may court controversy when I admit that I am deeply uncomfortable with the increasing number of requests I get to 'Like' or 'Connect'; often from someone I have never met or worked with before. My reputation is one of my most valuable assets and I do not want to dilute that merely to increase my rankings up the search engines. Call me old fashioned but for me about its quality not quantity.

Its not to say that I will never use Facebook again; as I mentioned earlier its a fantastic tool and it has its place. However when it comes to business I prefer the personal approach, hence I have spent most of the weekend consolidating my various address books; I feel another workshop coming on!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mandy,
    Good choice! Ironically enough, the only thing that I wish I had access to through facebook since I cancelled my account a few years ago was your trek through China (I kid you not). Perhaps FB is as much a blocker as an enabler for communication.

